Basic concepts

Game Objective
The player who reaches zero life points first loses.
So manage your evocations that use life very well, as this can be a short sentence.
Types of Cards

There are two types of cards, constant and inconstant.
Constant cards are all those that remain in play after being summoned, while inconstant cards are those that are summoned, their effects are activated and then they are sent to their controller's cemetery.
The cards included are: Combatants, Seals and Artifacts and Catalysts.
Fickle cards are: Arcana.
Constant letters must respect their evocation phases, which will be seen shortly.
Arcane cards, however, can be evoked in any phase.
Understanding Card Indicators
Every card can have up to 3 indicators, they are:
Summoning cost and Life (center indicator) : This indicator is a mixed indicator, the summoning cost of a card is also its life point, this means that every constant in play can be destroyed if its life points are reduced to 0.
Cards that are inconstant have no life points, only summoning costs.
Power Capacity (top left indicator) : This indicator tells you how many power tokens a constant can receive. A constant can only have power tokens up to its limit value indicated in this field. Extra power tokens do not count towards this limit and can be added in addition to the Power Capacity value.
Constants come into play with power tokens equal to your Power Capacity cap.
Magic Capacity (indicator in the upper right corner): This indicator informs the number of magic tokens that a constant can receive. Magic tokens are used constantly to activate your skills, active or passive. These abilities are listed in the text field of each constant, and their activation costs are shown as a water green number, the same color as the indicator field.
Unlike Power, constants do not come into play with spell tokens, unless another card or ability changes this rule.


Catalyst cards are responsible for generating magic and power tokens. There are two types of catalysts, Arsenals and Flux Crystals.
Arsenals generate Power tokens, at the beginning of each player's turn they will choose whether to generate an attack token or a defense token.
Flow Crystals in turn will generate magic tokens. These tokens remain in the reserve of each generating catalyst until used, and are not exhausted at the end of the turn.
Each player can only play one catalyst per turn. At the beginning of each player's turn, each catalyst they have in play will automatically generate a resource of their nature.

Um grimório (seu conjunto de cartas) tem o limite mínimo de 40 cartas. Você pode colocar até 4 cartas iguais nele, porém se a carta que você está prestes a evocar possuir a característica "ÚNICO" significa que apenas uma carta deste tipo é permitida em jogo por vez.
Custos de Evocação
Summoning costs are also the life of each constant. For a constant to leave the game it must reach 0 life points.

No embate entre combatentes os Tokens de Poder em cada um determina o quanto de Poder de Ataque e Defesa cada um possuí.
Uma constante que tenha Capacidade de Poder maior que 0 entra em jogo com todos os seus tokens já gerados, ou seja, um Vragor(à esquerda) tem Capacidade de Poder igual a 5, então ele ao entrar em jogo, receberá imediatamente 5 tokens de poder. Seu controlador definirá quantos tokens desses 5 serão de ataque e quantos serão de defesa.
No nosso exemplo abaixo, o Vragor gerou 3 tokens de ataque e 2 tokens de defesa. Além disso, o Vragor possuí 2 pontos de vida.
Da mesma forma, Gortaro Osso Bronco tem Capacidade de Poder igual a 3 e ao entrar em jogo gerou 2 tokens de ataque e 1 token de defesa, além disso, possuí 3 pontos de vida.
Quando Vragor ataca e Gortaro defende, todos os tokens de ambos, atacante e defensor, são consumidos para resolução do combate.
Como Vragor possuí 3 tokens de ataque e Gortaro possuí apenas 1 token de defesa, isso faz com que Gortaro sofra 2 ponto de dano em sua vida. Ao defender, Gortaro também causa dano ao defensor, porém, como ele possuí 2 tokens de ataque e Vragor possuí 2 tokens de defesa, Vragor não sofre nenhum dano.

Vragor porém possuí a habilidade Especialista, fazendo com que seus tokens de poder não sejam consumidos ao final do combate. Veja à seguir a lista de todas as habilidades disponíveis no jogo.
Turns and Phases
Start of the Turn
Buy :The first move of each player's turn is the buy phase. By default, each player draws 2 cards per turn, unless it is the first turn. In the first turn, the first player does not draw cards, and the second player draws only 1 card.
Resource Generation :After purchase, the player must generate resources, each constant that has the ability to generate resources must do so at this stage.
Resource Handling :In this phase, the player must move the generated resources to their constants, whether power or magic tokens. Resources cannot be moved outside of this phase unless a letter changes this rule.
Evocation :This phase is where the player must perform his evocations of constants and inconstants.
Declaration of Attackers :After the evocations, the player declares which combatants will carry out the attack. At this stage, only combatants who have already been in play for at least one turn can be declared attackers, unless they have an ability or another card changes this rule.
Declaration of Defenders :After the declaration of attackers, it is the turn of the player being attacked to declare their defenders. Combatants can be declared defenders on the same turn they came into play. Each defending creature can only defend one other attacking creature, unless an ability or other card changes this rule.
Combat Resolution :In this phase, each attacking combatant will cause damage to their respective defending combatants in a total equal to their power tokens. If the defending combatant has fewer defense tokens, he will suffer the difference in his life points. In the combat resolution phase, all tokens from all combatants involved are removed from the game.
End of Turn.


Attach - Must be attached to a constant. If the attached constant dies, the attached constant will also be destroyed.
Bastion - Bastions only take damage when the attacker's attack power is greater than their magic power.
Bond - You gain life equal to the damage caused by a constant with Bond.
Brute X - Can block X numbers of combatants.
Collector - You may sacrifice other constants as an additional cost to cast spells with Collector. Advantages are granted for each constant sacrificed this way.
Enthusiast (Class) - Spells with Enthusiast activate their abilities every time a spell that shares at least one class enters the battlefield. E.g., Wizards, Soldiers, Sorcerers, etc.
Excise - Spells with Excise activate their abilities whenever a combatant leaves the game, whether by combat or other causes.
Expert - Combatants with Expert do not lose power tokens during the Combat Resolution Phase.
Fervor - Spells with Fervor activate their abilities every time you lose life in any way.
Hinder - The hindered constant cannot attack, block, or activate effects during a turn.
Inspired - Spells with Inspired activate their ability every time you gain life.
Interrupt - Interrupting a casting causes that spell not to enter the game and go directly to its caster's graveyard.
Patron - Spells with Patron activate their abilities whenever a spell that shares at least one domain with them is cast.
Pierce - A constant with Pierce, if defended by a combatant with defense power less than its attack power, will cause the remaining power as damage to the defending player.
Primary - Primary spells can be played at no cost if they are in the player's initial hand.
Protected - A constant with Protected cannot be the target of opponents' seals.
Ravenous - Spells with Ravenous activate their effects when they deal damage to any source.
Regeneration - If this constant has lost life, it regains that life at the beginning of your next turn.
Replicate X - Can be cast a number of times equal to its indicator by paying its cost again.
Resilient - Reduces the damage suffered by the total magic power they possess.
Reckless - Combatants with Reckless can attack on the same turn they enter the battlefield.
Skilled X - The constant with Skilled enters the game with X magic tokens in its Magic Capacity.
Synchrony - Spells with Synchrony activate their abilities if another spell with the same name has been cast during the same turn or is already in play.
Suspension - Spells with Suspension do not enter the game immediately; instead, they are placed in a casting queue and enter the game at the beginning of the next turn of the player who cast them.
Tribal (Race) - Spells with Tribal activate their ability every time another spell enters the game that shares at least one race with them or as specified in the ability. Example: Human, Dwarf, Demon, Infernal, etc.
Versatile X - A constant with Versatile enters the game with X magic tokens in its Magic Capacity.